Contact Lens Care While Camping In The Wild

Wearing contact lenses can make a lot of things easier than wearing glasses, but they can also make things a little more inconvenient. One such activity is camping. Not having all of the amenities that you do at home can make it difficult to take care of your contact lenses as you should.

Below, you will find some tips that can help you spend some time under the stars in a tent without putting your eyes at risk of infection:

What supplies do you need to care for your contact lenses during a camping trip?

Contact care solutions – If you don't use an all-in-one solution, you will need the storage, rinsing, cleaning and re-wetting solutions.

Contact lens case – Use the type of case with the lids that pop open and stay connected to the base. This will help you avoid losing the lids during your trip.

Hand sanitizer and bottled water – The hand sanitizer will help to kill any bacteria and germs on your fingers, but you never want to touch your lenses with hands that haven't been rinsed after using the sanitizer. If you do, the residue from the sanitizer could be passed onto the lenses and then transferred into your eyes. This could burn and cause your eyes to become irritated for several days.

Paper towels – Don't use a cloth towel do dry your hands. That towel will get dirt and debris on it that could transfer from your hands to your lenses. Instead, use a clean paper towel each time you wash your hands to take out or put in your lenses.

Breakfast table – Those little tables that you use to eat breakfast in bed are perfect for setting up a contact lens care center in your tent. That way, you can keep everything you need for your lenses in one place and have a clean, sturdy surface to use.

Bucket or bowl – You need something to catch the water that you rinse your hands with. This bucket or bowl will be used for that.

How do you prepare to handle your contact lenses while camping?

Get everything ready for use. Set up the table and get out all of the supplies. When you are ready to handle your lenses, wash your hands with sanitizer. Rinse your hands over the bucket with bottled water. Dry your hands using a clean paper towel. Take out or put in your lenses. Repeat this process each time your lenses must be handled.

This process will help you avoid infections while out in the wilderness. If this doesn't seem like a process you want to work through, talk with your eye doctor about the use of extended-wear contact lenses during your trip. To learn more, contact a company such as Bass River Optometrics with any questions you have.
